Common Flooring Issues
Posted on 12th May 2023 at 12:27
Our Surveys can reveal multiple issues in a property, this can lead to expensive costs being avoided or you can negotiate prior to exchange of contracts.
When viewing a house you will not likely be inspecting the property for defects, instead you should focus on whether the house is in the area you want to live, is the garden the right size for you etc. What you are not likely to look at is are the floors stable? This can be carried out by us, S & D Surveyors Ltd will assist you by inspecting the property on your behalf. This blog is an example of issues identified on one of our inspections. Keep an eye out for updates in the future and further inforamtion that may also be of interest.
When purchasing a property often carpet coverings limit the view of the structure below as well as furnishings. However, the photographs below are from properties where the floors were exposed as coverings had been removed. The surveyor appointed was able to assess the floors.
There was a distinct difference in levels over the threshold felt. Where the carpet was originally draped over the door opening area, the threshold is less likely to move due to supporting foundations below, however, the floors may be abutted to the area of span over this which would be a ground bearing slab or suspended floor slab.
The concrete floor slab photographs show a ‘dropped’ floor, this is where the supporting stone below the concrete floor slab is not correctly compacted at construction and overtime this can compress, this can also be caused by site issues such as movement to the area or water from damaged drainage.
The floor was cracked which also lead to a secondary issue as the date of the property and the type of vinyl tiles means they may have an asbestos content. Testing needs to be carried out to confirm whether the tiles contain asbestos fibres and a plan for remeial works to the floor slab.

The second property is a damage timber floor which due to elevated moisture in the timber has allowed fungal decay to form as well as woodboring insects attacking the soft fibres of the timber. The damage is visible in the underside of the floor boards which will require treatment and where damaged excessively replacement.

If you are purchasing a property and would like us to inspect for potential defects please contact us, we have helpful price guides so you can see the cost prior to booking and easy forms to start your process with us. From here we will manage the access, survey, and reporting.
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